Day2: Mac setup & a running Blog.

The creation of the InternBlog.

I struggled too hard to get a good solution for this blog but in the end it was easier than expected. When Johannes assigned me to the task to build a web blog in which I should post about my tasks an experience at Crate I wasn’t sure what to expect.

It all started by setting up my github account, git and all the other useful development tools (Atom, iTerm2, …). Than it was time to focus on the web blog. With the help from countless tutorial blogs on Github and a bit try and error I managed to install Jekyll (never try this on Windows, it’s just a nightmare!) and found a beautiful and easy to customise template. For a person (like me) who never used Github, Git or a static site generator like Jekyll before, it was on the one hand a lot of tinkering on the other a fantastic experience to work with this tools which are used by a lot of companies .

All in all I am certain that my workflow will improv over time and with experience in this field of work.